Logo Roowin

Year of creation: 1998
Status: SA
Workforce: 27
% of the turnover dedicated to R&D: NC
Patents: NC
Accreditations: NC

Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
Zone de la Varenne
20 Rue Henri et Gilberte Goudier
63200 Riom

Patrice Rool
Phone: +33 473 646 600
Email:  contact@roowin.com
Website: www.roowin.com


Specialized in the field of high value added fine chemistryfor the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical and biotechnological industry.

Specialized in the field of high value added fine chemistry, Roowin addresses the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical and biotechnological industry.

The company business activity concerns toll manufacturing and production, covering from upstream research to batches with GMP for the phases I and II.