Year of creation: 2000
Status: SA à directoire
Workforce: 8
% of the turnover dedicated to R&D: NC
Patents: NC
Accreditations: NC
Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
2 rue Michel Renaud
63360 Saint-Beauzire
Véronique Vidal
Phone: +33 473 330 700
Email: genomics@helixio.com
Website: www.helixio.com
An integrated biopharmaceutical company operating in the therapeutic and diagnostic fields.
Helixio offers a wide range of genomic and bioinformatic services in the medical, cosmetic, veterinary, agrofood and environemental fields.
The multidisciplinary team ensures an efficient scientific and technical support to projects which can concern both eukaryotes and prokaryotes genomes. Helixio can help address key biological issues by delivering high-throughput genomic solutions (microarrays, Next Generation sequencing), bioinformatics and analytical services.