
The Saint Beauzire site is covered by the Syndicat du Bois de l’Aumone SBA for waste collection. Household waste is collected on Thursdays and recyclable packaging on Fridays on even weeks.

The SMO Biopole Clermont-Limagne rents chemical storage boxes where waste can be deposited while waiting to be evacuated by specialised companies.


The Riom site is classified as an ICPE (facility classified for the protection of the environment). The site has a space for storing skips for waste paper, cardboard, wood, electrical or electronic waste and ordinary waste. The SMO Biopôle Clermont-Limagne team takes care of emptying these skips. This area also serves as a transit area for companies that produce specific waste with approved service providers for biological or chemical waste. The SMO staff responsible for Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) documents the nature and volume of all waste generated by the site each year. The ICPE classification of the site may also facilitate in the locating of tenant companies whose operations also depend on this regulation.