Year of creation: 2015
Status: SAS
Workforce: 2
% of the turnover dedicated to R&D: 80
Patents: 1
Accreditations: CIR et JEI
Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
Zone de la Varenne
20 Rue Henri et Gilberte Goudier
63200 Riom.
Jérôme Lemoine – CEO
Phone: +33 637.737.702
Email: messengerbiopharma@yahoo.fr
Website: messengerbiopharma.com
Messenger Biopharma is perfecting a biotechnology of In Vivo messenger RNA delivery to prevent and treat various diseases.
Messenger Biopharma is perfecting a platform biotechnology of In Vivo messenger RNA transfection, which has been patented. This platform biotechnology tends to optimize the process of messenger RNA delivery to various tissues, as well as the messenger RNA sequence.
The company has perfected an innovation allowing the production of low cost messenger RNA. It has developed a very potent messenger RNA skeletal muscle delivery biotechnology.
It is currently developing a biotechnology to enhance the secretion of a protein of interest from muscle cells. This platform biotechnology can be used to perfect messenger RNA vaccines and to treat diseases, such as genetic, cardiovascular, oncological, infectious and auto-immune diseases.